Follow the market signals.
Not your feelings.
Using market signals to determine what is happening is a much better predictor than how you’re feeling. Using automated trading strategies remove the emotion and follows what’s actually happening.
U.S. Based Exchange Secure crypto transactions.
Auto-Trader Trade crypto automatically.
CopyCat Trading Follow expert strategies.
Keeping Things Simple
For Newcomers
The CopyCat Marketplace makes it simple to trade crypto like an expert. When you subscribe to others’ strategies, you’ll be making trades like a pro with a few clicks.
For Experts
Our No-Code Strategy Builder allows you to create automated trading strategies – without having to know how to code. Use your technical analysis ability to quickly build a powerful strategy, or connect it to your already created TradingView charts.
Based In The Midwestern USA
CoinLion is based in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. We believe in honest, hard work and delivering a personable user experience.
Bringing The Experts & Newcomers TogetherLet’s trade crypto together.
Our number one goal is to make crypto trading available to people that never thought they could do it. But we also strive to make it a place where experts want to trade. Our simple, but powerful tools bridge this divide so newbies can follow the experts, and the community can achieve their crypto goals…together.